Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Pickering, K., Pearce, T., Manuel, L., Doran, B., & Smith, T. F. (2023). Socio-ecological challenges and food security in the ‘salad bowl’of Fiji, Sigatoka Valley. Regional Environmental Change, 23(2), 61.
Pearce, T., Fawcett, D., & Ford, J. (2023). Changes in the Composition of the Harvest in Three Polar Bear Subpopulations in the Western Canadian Arctic after the US Listing of the Polar Bear as a Threatened Species. ARCTIC, 76(2), 179-191.
Manero, A., Leon, J., Lazarow, N., Spencer-Cotton, A., Wegener, T., Jarratt, P., & Pearce, T. (2023). Estimating the economic value of surfing resource using travel-cost models and direct expenditure.
Zavaleta-Cortijo, C., Ford, J. D., Galappaththi, E. K., Namanya, D. B., Nkwinti, N., George, B., ... & Fernandez-de-Larrinoa, Y. (2023). Indigenous knowledge, community resilience, and health emergency preparedness. The Lancet Planetary Health, 7(8), e641-e643.
​Ford, J. D., Clark, D. G., Copland, L., Pearce, T., IHACC Research Team Ford James D. 1 Harper Sherilee 5 Ford Lea Berrang 1 Carcamo Cesar 6 Garcia Patricia 6 Lwasa Shuaib 7 Namanya Didacus 8 New Mark 9 Zavaleta-Cortijo Carol 6, & Harper, S. L. (2023). Projected decrease in trail access in the Arctic. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 23.
Ford, J. D., Zavaleta-Cortijo, C., Ainembabazi, T., Anza-Ramirez, C., Arotoma-Rojas, I., Bezerra, J., ... & Wright, C. (2022). Interactions between climate and COVID-19. The Lancet Planetary Health, 6(10), e825-e833.
Mayette, A., Loseto, L., Pearce, T., Hornby, C. A., & Marcoux, M. (2022). Group characteristics and spatial organization of the Eastern Beaufort Sea beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) population using aerial photographs. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 100(6), 363-375.
Ford JD, Pearce T, Canosa IV & Harper S. (2021) The rapidly changing Arctic and its societal implications. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, e735.
Pearce T (Ed.) (2021). Research with Arctic Inuit Communities: Graduate Student Experiences, Lessons and Life Learnings. Springer Polar Science Series, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, p121. ISBN 978-3-030-78483-6
Pearce T, Manuel L, Leon J, Currenti R, Brown M, Ikurisaru, I. Doran, B., Scanlon, H. and Ford, J. (2021). Mapping Social Values of the Sigatoka River Estuary, Nadroga-Navosa Province, Viti Levu, Fiji, Human Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10745-021-00258-5
Lede E, Pearce T, Furgal C, Wolki M, Ashford G, and Ford J (2021). The role of multiple stressors in adaptation to climate change in the Canadian Arctic. Regional Environmental Change, 21: 50. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-021-01769-z
Naylor A, Pearce T, Ford JD, Fawcett D, Collings P and Harper S. (2021). Understanding determinants of hunting trip productivity in an Arctic community. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
​Pearce T (2021) Be Prepared (to Be Wrong). In: Pearce T. (ed.) Research With Arctic Inuit Communities: Graduate Student Experiences, Lessons and Life Learnings. Springer Polar Science Series, Switzerland: 21-29.
Pearce T and Emanuelsen K (2021) “I don’t even sew for myself anymore”: the role of sewing in a northern Inuit economy. In: Stern P. (ed.) The Inuit World, Routledge Worlds Series. 257-269.
Johnson N, Pearce T, Breton-Honeyman K, Etiendem D, and Losetto L. (2020). Knowledge co-production and co-management of Arctic wildlife. Arctic Science. 6(3): 124-126. https://doi.org/10.1139/as-2020-0028
Loseto L, Breton-Honeyman K, Etiendem D, Johnson N, Pearce T, Allen J, Amos A, Arqviq J, Baak J, Bélanger É, Bourdages M, Brammer J, Fawcett D, Gérin-Lajoie J, Gilbert G, Hansen-Craik K, Loring E, Perrin A, and Slavitch M. (2020). Indigenous participation in peer review publications and the editorial process: reflections from a workshop. Arctic Science. 6(3): 352-360. https://doi.org/10.1139/as-2020-0023
Pearce T, Currenti R, Doran B, Sidle R, Ford J and Leon J. (2020). “Even if it doesn’t come, you should be prepared”: Natural hazard perception, remoteness, and implications for disaster risk reduction in rural Fiji. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 48 (101591).
Naylor A, Ford J, Pearce T and Van Alstine J. (2020). Conceptualizing climate vulnerability in complex adaptive systems. One Earth. 2: 444-454.
Worden E, Pearce T, Gruben M, Ross D, Kowana C and Loseto L. (2020). Social-ecological changes and implications for understanding the declining beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) harvest in Aklavik, NT. Arctic Science.6(3): 229-246. https://doi.org/10.1139/as-2019-0027
Pearce T, Ford J and Fawcett D. (2020). Climate Change and implications for the proposed Canadian Northern Corridor. SSP Research Papers, The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, 13(24): 1-40.
Canosa I, Ford J, McDowell G, Jones J and Pearce T. (2020). Progress in climate change adaptation in the Arctic. Environmental Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab9be1
Pettit-Wade H, Pearce T, Kuptana D, Gallagher C, Scharffenberg K, Lea E, Hussey N and Loseto L. (2020). Inuit observations of a Tunicata bloom unusual for the Amundsen Gulf, western Canadian Arctic. Arctic Science. 6(3): 340-351. https://doi.org/10.1139/as-2020-0018
Pearce T and Myers E. (2020). Nunamin Illihakvia: learning from the land, Ulukhaktok, NT, Canada. Alternatives Journal. 44(1): 5-47.
Ford J, King N, Galappaththi E, Pearce T, McDowell G and Harper S. (2020). The resilience of Indigenous peoples to environmental change. One Earth. DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2020.05.014
Ford J, Clarke D, Pearce T, Berrang-Ford L, Copland L, Dawson J, Mark N and Harper S (2019). Changing access to ice, land, and water in Arctic communities. Nature Climate Change, NCLIM-18091686B
Currenti R, Pearce T, Salabogi T, Vuli L, Doran B, Kitson R, Ford J (2019). Adaptation to climate change in an Interior Pacific Island Village: a case study of Nawairuku, Ra, Fiji. Human Ecology, 47(1): 65-80.
Carter J, Pearce T and Jacobsen C (2019). Working the academy: a form of giving back? In: Douglas H. (ed.) Giving Back, Oregon State University Press, 312p.
Pearce T, Currenti R, Mateiwai A, and Doran B (2018). Adaptation to climate change and freshwater resources in Vusama village, Viti Levu, Fiji. Regional Environmental Change, 18(2): 501-510.
Flynn M, Ford JD, Pearce T, Harper SL, and IHACC Research Team (2018). Participatory scenario planning and climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability research in the Arctic. Environmental Science & Policy, 79: 45-53.
Loseto LL, Hoover C, Ostertag S, Whalen D, Pearce T, Paulic J, Iacozza J, MacPhee S (2018). Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), environmental change and marine protected areas in the Western Canadian Arctic. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 212: 128-137.
Pearce T, Rodriguez E, Fawcett D, Ford J (2018). How is Australia adapting to climate change based on a systematic review? Sustainability, 10(9).
Ford J, Pearce T, McDowell G, Berrang-Ford L, Sayles J, Belfer E (2018). Vulnerability and its discontents: the past, present, and future of climate change vulnerability research. Climatic Change, 151(2): 189-203.
Brown M, Pearce T, Leon J, Sidle R, Wilson R (2018). Using remote sensing and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) to understand mangrove change on the Maroochy River, Queensland, Australia, 94: 71-83.
Wilson R, Pearce T, Jones K, Fleischfresser S, Davis B, Jones G, Lieske S (2018). Indigenous land management in peri-urban landscapes: An Australian example. Society & Natural Resources, 31(3): 335-350.
Fawcett D, Pearce T, Notaina R, Ford J, Collings P (2018). Inuit adaptability to changing environmental conditions over an 11-year period in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories. Polar Record, 54(2): 119-132.
Waugh D, Pearce T, Ostertag S, Pokiak V, Collings P, Loseto L (2018). Inuvialuit traditional ecological knowledge of belugal whale (Delphinapterus leucas) under changing climatic conditions in Tuktoyaktuk, NT. Arctic Science, 4(3): 242-258.
Collings P, Pearce T and Kann J. (2018). "We don't know anything about whales": ecological knowledge and ways of knowing in Ulukhaktok. Arctic Science, 28p. Doi: 10.1139/as-2017-0030
Tremblay M, Ford J, Statham S, Pearce T, Ljubicic G, Gauthier Y, Braithwaite L (2018). Access to the land and ice: Travel and hunting in a changing environment. From Science to Policy in the Eastern Canadian Arctic: An Integrated Regional Impact Study (IRIS) of Climate Change and Moderization. ArcticNet, Quebec City, 560 pp.
Pearce T (2018). Incorporating Indigenous knowledge in research. Routledge Handbook of Environmental Displacement and Migration, 125(134): 125-134.
Collings P, Pearce T, and Kann J (2017). "We don't know anything about whales": Ecological knowledge and ways of knowing in Ulukhaktok, NT, Canada. Arctic Science (November 2017).
Fawcett D, Pearce T, Ford JD, and Archer L (2017). Operationalizing longitudinal approaches to climate change vulnerability assessment. Global Environmental Change, 45: 79-88.
McCubbin S, Pearce T, Ford J, and Smit B (2017). Social–ecological change and implications for food security in Funafuti, Tuvalu. Ecology and Society, 22(1).
Wilson R, and Pearce T (2017). Management Challenges for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Peri-urban Queensland. Australian Geographer, 48(2): 203-217.
Wilson R, Pearce T, Jone K, Fleischfresser S, Davis B, and Jones G (2017). Indigenous land management in peri-urban landscapes: An Australian example. Society & Natural Resources, 31(3): 1-16.
Archer L, Ford JD, Pearce T, Kowal S, Gough WA, and Allurut M (2017). Longitudinal assessment of climate vulnerability: A case study from the Canadian Arctic. Sustainability Science, 12(1): 15-29.
Ford J, Cameron L, Rubis J, Maillet M, Nakashima D, Cunsolo Willox, and Pearce T (2016). Including Indigenous knowledge and experience in IPCC assessment reports. Nature Climate Change, 6.
Hoover C, Ostertag S, Hornby C, Parker C, Hansen-Craik K, Loseto L, and Pearce T (2016). The continued importance of the hunter for Inuit food security. Solutions.
Ford J...Pearce T...(2016). Community-based adaptation research in the Canadian Arctic. WIREs Climate Change, 7: 175-191.
Clark DG, Ford JD, Berrang-Ford L, Pearce T, Kowal S, and Gough WA (2016). The role of environmental factors in search and rescue incidents in Nunavut, Canada. Public Health, 137: 44–49.
Clark DG, Ford JD, Pearce T, and Berrang-Ford L (2016). Vulnerability to injuries associated with land-use activities in Nunavut, Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 169: 18-26.
Pearce T, Ford J, Smit B, Duerden F, Furgal C, Dawson J, and Bradshaw B (In Press). Chapter 4 Factors of Adaptation: climate change policy responses for Canada’s Inuit. In: (G Stern ed) ArcticNet IRIS I Regional Impact Assessment. ArcticNet, Laval University, Canada.
Collings, P, Marten, M, Pearce T, and Young AG (2016). Country food sharing networks, household structure, and implications for understanding good security in Arctic Canada. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 55(1): 30-49.
Pearce T, Ford J, Cunsolo Willox A, and Smit B (2015). Inuit Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), subsistence hunting and adaptation to climate change in the Canadian Arctic. Arctic, 68(2).
McCubbin S, Smit B, and Pearce T (2015). Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and other stresses in Tuvalu. Global Environmental Change, 30: 43-55.
Carter B, Thok S, O’Rourke V, and Pearce T (2015). Sustainable tourism and its use as a development strategy in Cambodia: a systematic review. Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
Berrang-Ford L, Pearce T, and Ford J (2015). Systematic Review Approaches for Climate Change Adaptation Research. Regional Environmental Change.
Ford JD, McDowell G, and Pearce T (2015). The adaptation challenge in the Arctic. Nature Climate Change 5(12): 1046.
Ford JD, Berrang-Ford L, Bunce A, McKay C, Irwin M, and Pearce T (2015). The status of climate change adaptation in Africa and Asia. Regional Environmental Change 15(5): 801-814.
Lemmen D, Johnston M, Ste-Marie C and Pearce T (2014). Chapter 3: Natural Resources; in Canada in a Changing Climate: Sector Perspectives on Impacts and Adaptation, (ed.) F.J. Warren and D.S. Lemmen; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON, p. 65-98.
Cunsolo-Willox A…Pearce T, et al. (2014). Examining Relationships between Climate Change and Mental Health in the Circumpolar North: An Emerging Priority? Regional Environmental Change, 15: 169-182.
Ford J, Cunsolo-Willox A, Chatwood S, Edge V, Furgal C, Harper S, Mauro I, and Pearce T (2014). Adapting to the effects of climate change on Inuit health. American Journal of Public Health, 104(S3): e9-e17.
Ford J, Cunsolo-Willox A, Chatwood S, Edge V, Furgal C, Harper S, Mauro I and Pearce T (2013). Climate Change and Inuit Health: Five Lessons for Adaptation. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, e1-e9.
Ford J, Knight M, and Pearce T (2013). The usability of climate change research as part of the International Polar Year for decision-making. Global Environmental Change, 23(5): 1317-1326. 6
Pearce T, and Smit B (2013). Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic. In: Pielke RA Sr. (ed.) Climate Vulnerability Volume 1: Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources. Elsevier: 293-303.
Ford J, McDowell G, Shirley J, Pitre M, Gough W, Duerden F, Pearce T, Adams P, and Statham S (2013). The dynamic multi-scale nature of climate change vulnerability: an Inuit harvesting example. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(5): 1193-1211.
Stewart E, Dawson J, Howell S, Johnston M, Pearce T and Lemelin H (2012). Sea ice change and cruise ship tourism in Arctic Canada’s Northwest Passage: implications for local communities. Polar Geography, 36(1-2): 142-162.
Pearce T, Ford J, Caron A and Kudlak, BP (2012). Climate change adaptation planning in remote, resource dependent communities: An Arctic example. Regional Environmental Change, 12: 825-837.
Ford J, Bolton KC, Shirley J, Pearce T, Tremblay M and Westlake M (2012). Research on the Human Dimensions of climate change in Nunavut, Nunavik, and Nunatsiavut: a literature review and gap analysis. Arctic, 65(3): 289-304.
Ford J and Pearce T (2012). Climate change vulnerability and adaptation research focusing on the Inuit subsistence sector in Canada: Directions for future research. The Canadian Geographer: 13p.
Ford J, Bolton K, Shirley J, Pearce T, Tremblay M and Westlake M (2012). Mapping human dimensions of climate change research in the Canadian Arctic. Ambio, 41: 808-822.
Pearce T, Wright H, Notaina R, Kudlak A, Smit B, Ford J, and Furgal C (2011). Transmission of environmental knowledge and land skills among Inuit men in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada. Human Ecology, 39: 271-288.
Pearce T, Ford J, Duerden F, Smit B, Andrachuk M, Berrang-Ford L, and Smith T (2011). Advancing adaptation planning for climate change in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR): A review and critique. Regional Environmental Change, 11(1): 1-17.
Pearce T, Ford J, Prno J, Duerden F, Pittman J, Beaumier M, Berrang-Ford L, and Smit B (2011). Climate change and mining in Canada. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(3): 347-368.
Prno J, Wandel J, Pearce T, Bradshaw B, Smit B, and Tozer L (2011). Community vulnerability to climate change in the context of other risks in Kugluktuk, Nunavut. Polar Research. Vol 30. DOI:10.3402/polar.v3010.7363
Ford JD, Pearce T, Prno J, Duerden F, Berrang-Ford L, Smith T, and Beaumier M (2011). Canary in a coal mine: Perceptions of climate change risks and response options among Canadian mine operations. Climatic Change, 109: 399-415.
Wandel J, Smit B, Pearce T, and Ford J (2011). Science and indigenous knowledge in resource management in the Canadian Arctic. In: Kasperson Roger E and Berberia, M (eds.) Integrating Science and Policy: Vulnerability and Resilience in Global Environmental Change, Earthscan, London: 291-306.
Pearce T, Notaina R, Wright H, Kudlak A, Ford J, and Smit B (2010). Transmission of environmental knowledge and land skills in adaptation planning for climate change in the Arctic. Meridian (Spring/Summer 2010): 6-11.
Pearce T, Smit B, Duerden F, Ford J, Goose A, and Kataoyak F (2010). Inuit vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada. Polar Record, 46(237): 157-177.
Pearce T, and Andrachuk A (2010). Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in two communities in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. In: Hovelsrud G. and Smit B (eds.) CAVIAR:Community Adaptation and Vulnerability in Arctic Regions, Springer: 63-81.
Ford J, Pearce T, Duerden F, Furgal C, and Smit B (2010). Climate change policy responses for Canada’s Inuit population: The importance of and opportunities for adaptation. Global Environmental Change, 20(1): 177-191.
Ford J, and Pearce T (2010). What we know, do know know, and need to know about climate change vulnerability in the western Canadian Arctic: A systematic literature review. Environmental Research Letters, 5: 9pp.
Ford J, Pearce T, Prno J, Duerden F, Berrang Ford L, Beaumier M, Smith T, and Marshall D (2010). Perceptions of climate change risks in primary resource use industries: A survey of the Canadian mining sector. Regional Environmental Change, 10: 65-81.
Ford J, Keskitalo C, Smith T, Pearce T, Berrang-Ford L, and Smit B (2010). Case study and analogue methodologies in climate change vulnerability research. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. DOI:10.1002/wcc.48
Pearce T, Ford J, Laidler G, Smit B, Duerden F, Allarut M, Andrachuk M, Baryluk S, Dialla A, Elee P, Goose A, Ikummaq T, Inuktalik R, Joamie E, Kataoyak F, Loring E, Meakin S, Nickels S, Scott A, Shappa K, Shirley J, and Wandel J (2009). Community research collaboration in the Canadian Arctic. Polar Research, 28: 10-27.
Ford J, Pearce T, Gilligan J, Smit B and Oakes J (2008). Climate change and hazards associated with ice use in northern Canada. Arctic and Alpine Research, 40(4): 647-659.
Ford J, Pearce T, Smit B, Wandel J, Allurut M, Shappa K, Ittusujurat H and Qrunnut K (2007). Reducing vulnerability to climate change in the Arctic: The case of Nunavut, Canada. Arctic, 60(2): 150-166.