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Nunamin Illihakvia - Learning from the Land

Funder: Indigenous Services Canada

Researchers: Dr. Tristan Pearce

Partner: Ulukhaktok Community Corporation (UCC)

Aim: To bring together young Inuit, male and female, with experienced hunters and sewers, and Elders to learn how to travel and hunt under changing conditions, how to prepare and sew hides, and promote the learning and use of Inuinnaqtun language.

Timeline: 2013-2014; 2018-2020

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Funder: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Researchers: Dr. Tristan Pearce; Angus Naylor (PhD candidate); Dr. James Ford

Partner: Hamlet of Ulukhaktok

Aim: To document current exposure-sensitivities affecting Inuit subsistence hunting, the adaptive strategies employed to manage them, and the economic costs of subsistence. 

Timeline: 2018-2020

The Importance of Sewing to Women

Funder: Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)

Researchers: Kristin Emanuelsen; Dr. Harriot Beazley; Susie Memogana (Research Assistant); Donna Akhiatak (UCC)

Partner: Ulukhaktok Community Corporation

Aim: To examine the importance of sewing to Inuit women through
a case study of Ulukhaktok, NT.

Timeline: 2018-2020


Co-production of knowledge of marine species in the Arctic

Funder: ArcticNet - Network of Centres of Excellence Canada

Researchers: Dr. Tristan Pearce; Dr. Lisa Losetto; Dr. Nigel Hussey

Aim: To use a platform of knowledge co-production among Inuit, researchers and decision-makers to understand ecosystem dynamics in terms of movement ecology of key marine species, implications for Inuit subsistence, application for management. 

Timeline: 2019-2022

School in a Modern Arctic

Funder: Indspire

Researchers: Dr. Tristan Pearce; Miguel Van Der Velden

Partner: Helen Kalvak Elihakvik School

Aim: to document and share efforts being taken at Helen Kalvak Elihakvik (School) in Ulukhaktok, NT, Canada, to negotiate a schooling system that is culturally and socially relevant to Inuit students.

Timeline: 2019


Community Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change in the Arctic

Funder: ArcticNet - Network of Centres of Excellence Canada

Researchers: Dr. Tristan Pearce; Dr. James Ford; Dr. William Gough; Dr. Ashlee Cunsolo-Willox; Dr. Sherilee Harper; Frank Duerden; Graham McDowell

Aim: To develop a dynamic understanding of the processes and conditions affecting community vulnerability, resilience and adaptation to climate change.

Vulnerability and Resilience to Climate Change in the Arctic (VaRCCA)

Funder: SSHRC Insight Grant, FRSC; IPY CAVIAR project, IPY-ACRC

Researchers: Dr. James Ford; Dr. Tristan Pearce; Frank Duerden; Mike Pitre; Jamal Shirley; Bill Gough

Aim: To understand the dynamics through which communities experience and adapt to climate change, examining how the complex interaction between socio-economic and biophysical drivers at multiple spatial-temporal scales plays out in specific places.

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Knowledge Co-production for the Identification and Selection of Ecological, Social and Economic Indicators for the Beaufort Sea

Funder: ArcticNet - Network of Centres of Excellence Canada

Researchers: Dr. Tristan Pearce; Dr. Lisa Loseto; Dr. Sonja Ostertag; Dr. Carrie Hoover; Dr. Rashid Sumaila; Kate Snow

Aim: To use the platform of knowledge co-production among Inuit, decision makers and researchers to identify ecological, social and economic indicators for the Beaufort Sea to support long-term monitoring and decision-making.

Perceptions of Learning Success​ among Inuit and Southern Educators

Funder: CIHR IK-ADAPT Project; ArcticNet

Researchers: Genevieve Lalonde (Honours); Dr. Tristan Pearce (Advisor); Tracey Kanayok (Research Assistant); Jennifer Dickson (Educator and Researcher)

Aim: To examine perceptions of learning success among Inuit and southern educators in a case study of Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada.

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TUMIVUT: In the Tracks of Our Ancestors

Funder: Health Canada

Researchers: Dr. Tristan Pearce

Partners: Ulukhaktok Community Corporation (UCC); Palvik Kagyut and Victoria Akhiatak (Project Coordinators); Donna Akhiatak (Sewing); Jasmine Klengenberg (Oral History); Emily Kudlak (Language)

Aim: To promote health in a rapidly changing climate through the transfer of Inuit traditional knowledge, skill sets and values (TEK). 

Adaptation to Climate Change in the Canadian Mining Sector

Funder: Natural Resources Canada; David Suzuki Foundation


Researchers: Dr. Tristan Pearce; Dr. James Ford; Frank Duerden; Jeremy Pittman

Aim: To examine the implications of climate change for the mining sector in Canada and adaptation opportunities.

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Inuit Women's Conceptualizations ​of and Approaches to Health

Funder: CIHR IK-ADAPT Project; ArcticNet; Nasivvik Graduate Scholarship; Ontario Graduate Scholarship; Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)

Researchers: Linnaea Jasiuk (MA); Dr. Tristan Pearce (Advisor); Jasmine Klengenberg (Research Assistant); Denise Okheena (Research Assistant)

Aim: To examine Inuit women’s conceptualizations of and approaches to health through a case study of Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada.

Cultural Negotiation of Inuit Education

Funder: CIHR IK-ADAPT Project; ArcticNet; Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)

Researchers: Genevieve Lalonde (MA); Dr. Tristan Pearce (Advisor)

Aim: To contribute to the cultural negotiation of education among Inuit by examining adaptations, which are currently in use, and those desired by Inuit and educators, to better represent Inuit culture and modes of learning in education.


Food Security in the Arctic

Funder: CIHR IK-ADAPT Project; ArcticNet; Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)

Researchers: Colleen Parker (MSc); Dr. Tristan Pearce (Advisor); Palvik Kagyut (Research Assistant)

Aim: To examine the vulnerability of the dual food system, which includes country foods and industrial foods, in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada to climate change in the context of multiple socio-economic stressors.

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