After traveling from all over the world, Tristan, Miguel and Kristin landed in the community of Ulukhaktok, NT, where they were met by a blizzard and a warm welcome. Tristan worked on three projects with the community; Nunamin Illihakvia - Learning from the land, Tooniktoyok, and School in a modern Arctic. School in a modern Arctic started in the first week, where Tristan and Miguel taught a Journalism class for the High School students and wrote a report showcasing the cultural negotiation of education taking place at the school. This included Elders visiting the school to share stories and knowledge, on-the-land activities and students making a video about a day in the life of High School in Ulukhaktok. The Nunamin Illihakvia project brought together young people in the community with experienced sewers and hunters to share traditional knowledge through sewing clases, equipment making, hunting and Inuinnaqtun classes. Kristin worked with Inuit women to examine the importance of sewing and the transmission of knowledge between generations as a part of this project. Tristan also worked with the local Hamlet office and hunters on the Tooniktoyok project to document current exposure-sensitivities affecting Inuit subsistence hunting, the adaptive strategies employed to manage them, and the economic costs of subsistence. Tristan, Miguel and Kristin are now back in Australia and USC after two months in the Arctic reflecting on their experiences and the knowledge gained, and working on the outputs for these projects.
